Quote of the moment

"If any of you wants to be my follower, you must first put aside your selfish ambition, shoulder your cross daily, and follow me."

Luke 9:23 (NLT)

Friday, July 29, 2005

Cup+String (No not bikini!!! >.<)

Rumour's out that there's going to be a major crackdown on all Camera Phones in SAF camps. Doh... Seems that the Chief Defence Force (CDF) had decreed that Camera Phones are strictly prohibited in all SAF camps, and all previously issued Letter of Authority (LOA)are henceforth void.

I wonder if my incident sparked off this chain of tiny sparks that erupted into one vicious volcano hmm... Oops if thats the case. But its really dumb. Seriously. When all the Telcos are currently pushing for 3G phones, when every phone maker's coming up with 2 mega-pixel camera phones and beyond...

To think we just had the 3G Army convention just recently, all the talk about the army moving forward. Yet the SAF firmly plants its foot down when the whole world moves forward, at least phone technology wise. Seems like we really gotta resort to the cup and string way of communicating soon once all new phones are camera enabled.

If only the people at the top can sit back and think out of the box instead of jumping on the mention of "CAMERA". Having a camera phone can be really useful if used in the right way. Isn't there the saying that "A picture speaks a thousand words?" Imagine sending a MMS to your superior of a completed construction. Or taking a snapshot of a hazard spotted and sending it to the relevant authorities. There are a thousand good ways if one chooses to look. Cons? Someone taking a picture of something confidential, which by the way shouldn't be out there in the open where anyone can take a picture of it anyway. Oh ya and maybe a sneakily taken picture of superiors slacking off and sleeping during work? (Reminded of the student taking vid of teacher abusing them case).

So like... lighten up and look at things in the right perspective! Singapore Pte Ltd is a joke as it is already. Have more confidence and trust in our own soldiers man!


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