Quote of the moment

"If any of you wants to be my follower, you must first put aside your selfish ambition, shoulder your cross daily, and follow me."

Luke 9:23 (NLT)

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Was bored and decided to pop into Xiaxue's blog see if she posted any pics of pretty girls OTHER than her photoshopped self. Pictures, NIL, stupid blog entries, plenty. Anyway one particular entry caught my eye. *Camp comp doesn't sure the toolbar for blogspot, can't put hyperlinks... MAYBE when i FINALLY get home i'll edit this post~*

The entry was triggered by events at the New Year countdown. You know, the low-lives cheap thrill groping incidents. What made me mention it is how she decides that guys who fail to react violently (ie. bash up the perpetrators) are wimps. There is NO EXCUSE for not standing up for them by beating the hell out of those low-lifes. Hence her title: There are men, and then there are men.

Well, as usual the defensive Miss Falling-popularity-Snow put up a subsequent entry saying she was just JOKING~ Right. Whatever.

But i wonder... do all girls, most girls, some girls really feel that guys should react more strongly if their female friend / girlfriend gets molested under those circumstances? I've been to a few countdowns in MY time. Usual groping incidents plenty, but nothing like this year's TACTICAL groping (spray then prey). I've never been in a situation where i think the right action to take is to maul the idiot up...

Lets see... Before we went down, the girls already KNOW sure kenna in one way or another. But STILL want to go cos want to enjoy the celebrative atmosphere >.< So in the first place its a conscious CHOICE to take the risk. Some girls would take the necessary preventive measures, ie. wear jeans, bring sling bag / backpack to cover body if needed. But of cos still got some would ai-swee wear short/mini skirts -.-

I can still remember when my then-gf informed me she had just been TOUCHED (not by an angel...). Immediate response: WHO? Answer: Dunno... too many people jostling about. But think is from the bunch of dark skinned bigots who form train of sorts and keep weaving in and out of the crowds.

Ok, so i have a bunch of likely suspects. Did not even THINK of challenging them. Not logical to me. My first action was to keep gf close to me, start scanning for a less crowded area and get us there as safely as possible and hopefully out of the targetting sights of those dumbos. Too afraid to challenge them? Well if i had CONSIDERED challenging them i suppose i would have been afraid. Afraid of the safety of my gf if i should go challenge them and things turn ugly. Her safety comes first, not my show of bravado. Its one thing for me to jump in and bash each other senseless, but totally another to get her dragged in. Who knows what worse things could happen then?

So NO, even if i'm sure who was the one who did it, even if he was alone, i won't be ripping his guts out. Not when i can't be 100% sure i would be able to protect whoever is with me from any retaliations or sneak attacks in revenge later on. Yea perhaps some girls would still decide i'm a wimp. But for the girl/s i'm with, i'll gladly BE a wimp if thats all they see. Bleah~

In my opinion, to those who Ah-Beng types who jump right at the suspect and start pounding away, i take my hat off to ya, you got the guts man, but hey, you're just a muscle head who can't wait to flex your muscles and act hero. Who's gonna protect your girl when you're there rolling on the ground struggling with the idiot? Oops... Ah Bengs usually won't act "garang" if they don't have their friends with them, preferably more than the opposition. Well... perhaps they would, IF the opposition is someone like 2 heads shorter and so fragile a cough would kill them.

Sorry if i offended you. ^^;

Sure i get misunderstood from time to time, i look at things differently, my sights are further... I look at the overall scheme of things and not just my selfish self. Whatever... know me, love me, thats what i believe heh ^^

Oh, to the WIMPS out there who only thought of protecting their own skins but ended up doing the same as i would, err... now you have a BETTER reason for doing what you did. Heh.

And finally, well, if i had a very good reason to really get violent (in the case where if i don't DO something, the girl would be in SERIOUS trouble...), i would. Trust me i would. Even if the odds are against me i would. Even if i know i'll end up a bleeding mess on the ground unable to help her anyway, i would. At least i tried. At least i gave my all. Not that its enough. I probably won't forgive myself still either. And thats probably why i'm always on the lookout, diverting all possibilities of that happening. So yea, many-a-times being a WIMP in people's eyes is the only way to avoid this scenario from happening, so i'll be da WIMP. Someday my Princess will see me as a HERO ^^


Anonymous Anonymous said...

He may be trashing the molester now; but YOU, the one that married him 10 years down the road??

10:31 PM  

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