Quote of the moment

"If any of you wants to be my follower, you must first put aside your selfish ambition, shoulder your cross daily, and follow me."

Luke 9:23 (NLT)

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Blog or Block?

Really its not that i don't want to blog more. Sometimes i just sit here and nothing comes to mind. Or when something does, i'm at a loss at how i should put it across. Is this what people call the writer's block? -..-

During the 3 day course that i attended at NIE this week i was put through a series of tests that proved once again that i'm extremely right brained. Not necessarily a good thing. Apparently soldiering isn't in the list of ideal jobs for right brainers... and its proven by the fact that over 90% of the class were lefties >.< No wonder i'm forever clashing with my bosses at work ^ ^;

Anyway, Einstein says he'd developed both his right AND left brain. So shall i! Heh... just for the kick of it. I've got a great great God and nothing's impossible for me cos i'm His creation ya?




Lord... How often we use this word in our prayers and pleas for help. But do we really treat Him as our Lord? Is it just a term we use but do not really think much about?


The temptation is great and weak i am. Save me Lord... Forgive me my sins... forgive me...!!!


How do i use all the talents that have been given unto me to benefit thy kingdom? If i'm no good, then please erase me... Ahhh... i do not want to believe that i'm of no use :(


I want to write for the world to understand your words. I want to speak that they may be saved. I want to go and bring your light to the ends of the world... That has been and is still my wish... Father i'm sorry for being such a stubborn piece of clay...


Save me from this evil that is myself... why is it that i just can't BE? I know that i have to do it with your help. But in the end it is my OWN decision at the MOMENT that decides isn't it? That moment when the angels clash in battle with the evil within me, the moment when my ears fill with your words and that of my desires. I KNOW i can do what's right, but why didn't i? Why must i always live in regret day after day?


Come naked before Him in prayer.


Surrender thyself.

Go forth not by your own strength but by His and His alone.


Begone, o'great evil for I am who i am by His will. Begone for i am no longer my own.


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