Quote of the moment

"If any of you wants to be my follower, you must first put aside your selfish ambition, shoulder your cross daily, and follow me."

Luke 9:23 (NLT)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Looks Does Matter

Lesson of the day: "Don't expect too much from what you don't pay for. "

Had plodded down to MacDonald's wanting to have dinner there and perhaps blog abit on the free wireless access provided there. Was kinda surprised when i saw like easily 20 laptops there all spread out. Ok, no problem, got myself a seat, bought a meal and tried to log on.

*Connection Failed*

*Site is not responding for more than 30 seconds*

*Click Here to try again*


And when i finally connected to the slow-mo network, i realised i couldn't go to ANY site... and MSN Messenger refused to link up.



So, what does this have got to do with the title?


Superstar... undiscovered or ignored?

Well... ok, it was really triggered off by what i saw on my way to Mac. A blind middle-aged man sitting by the side of the pathway into Jurong Point, singing in a voice that George Michael would have applauded to.

It got me thinking... why is it that MOST of the popular singers we know of are usually good looking? And usually more good looking than talented, if you get what i mean.

I'm not too sure about the English singers, but i'm pretty sure that in the Chinese sector, the best sellers are usually the good looking ones. Sure, the not-so-well-endowed-physically ones do have a hit album now and then... Usually their first album, BEFORE people realise what they look like. Yea, notice how they keep their looks under wraps these days and use cartoons in their MTVs / Album packaging? At least they get ONE hit-seller. Heh.

Looks make the man

Its not a recent thing, this eye for beauty we possess. If you look at the famous leaders from history, they tend to be tall, good looking, eloquent men. People you look up to. Not because of what they stand for, but usually because of their striking good looks and the way they present themselves. In the beginning anyway.

Well of course there are exceptions... The shorty Adolf Hitler was one, but it was rumoured that his voice resonated at a certain frequency that hypnotises his listeners and captures their heart and soul. O.o"

If you're given a choice between 2 leaders, one who is good looking and confident, the other shifty looking and at a loss, which would you prefer without knowing their abilities? You would probably have given the former a few "bonus" subconsciously. And it probably would turn out that he really IS the better leader.

We are who YOU make us

Back to my theory that Expectations and Beliefs Make the Man. Mr Hercules grew up hearing praises and expectations that he would surely become successful and a hero amongst men. Mr Pimply-Face on the other hand probably grew up hearing comments on how he would never amount to anything great. Both judgements passed from birth, purely based on looks alone. Which do you think would be more successful? Would it matter if Mr Pimply-Face has got more potential than Mr Hercules? Would his potential ever be tapped? Would he have the confidence to use it?

Then again... There are exceptions... Look at me haha... Bahhhh...

I rememer this show i watched, starring Jude Law and some other dude (again, i only remember the better looking and therefore more famous of the two), about how in the future, a drop of blood from a just-born-infant would determine his or her future.

"99% will not survive a heart attack in his 40s. Inherent heart problem." - Low class citizen.

"Superior genes, physical potential unlimited, highly likely to be an outstanding sportsman." - High class citizen.

No one would hire the one with the "potential" to suffer a heart attack in the future. From young he would be told that he has a weak heart, although its working fine.

How different is that from how we judge kids from looks alone today?

Give them the benefit of doubt. Give them a chance to extract their potential!


Blogger Karen said...

Hey Justus,
You make a good point. Looks get people places. Its too bad that its that way, but I guess its part of the Darwinian survival of the fittest theory. To be fit is to appear healthy, healthy = attractive.

Yeah that was the controversy of MTV in the beginning, people like Madonna who are attractive (and with help of sex appeal) will be known and the artists who are just as talented but not so gifted with appearances won't be known.

People have done studies with young students who don't do so well in school and they were told that they were gifted and talented and taught them as they were gifted and talented, the students did dramatically better in school. The power of positive thought.

7:19 AM  
Blogger Justus said...

True true! Haha impressive feedback ^^ Positive thought, positive reinforcement, positive nurturing.

I wonder... if i kept BELIEVING i'd grow up to have drop dead good looks, would i? Haha...

12:16 PM  
Blogger Karen said...

Hey you know what? Maybe all you gotta do is believe that you are drop dead gorgeous then you will be, even though you look exactly the same. I think that goes hand and hand w/ confidence. Confidence can make a guy(and girl) that much more attractive.

2:56 PM  
Blogger sydnee said...

Ok... i am like so not a wannabe. i live with my anut every summer vacation and go surfing sooooooo. i am not a wannabe!! your a wannabe

11:37 AM  

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