Getting prepared
I'm like Moses and his gang of merry men, stumbling through the wilderness for 40 years... when they could have reached Canaan in like 40 days had they gone STRAIGHT instead of circles...
Early in life i had been gifted with His words. I understood clearly what had to be done, and what i should avoid. But somehow the order was skewed and i AVOIDED what had to be DONE >.< (And yes... bashing headlong into what should not be...)
I see life in 3 phases. Age is neglegible. Some people take forever in a certain phase and skip past the next. *shrug* (So yea! i'm NOT old... cos i just finished phase 1... bleah...)
Phase 1 is where you learn about life, experience it and are all caught up in it. I get this feeling most people flounder about in this phase for most of their life actually... Hmm... (Ok FINE, so maybe i AM old -.-)
Phase 2 is when you REALLY get to know God, see His plans for you, and SEE yourself through His eyes. Ewwww... Puke... Yucks... This is when you struggle to break away from your previous phase's bonds, where perceived-reality engages in a tug-of-war with reality-eternity. What you can see VS what you can't. This is just the preamble, yet to many its almost a world war by itself. (i'm being torn apart as it is... ~.~)
In this phase you start hearing voices. "This is wrong!" "No it isn't... you aren't looking at it in the right perspective..." "Ok, i promise this is the LAST time..." "Argh... just one more time and i'll quit it ok?" "This is what you should do!" "Ok ok... i'll do it tomorrow..." Sounds familiar? It sure is to me! >.<
Forward... backward... forward... backward... Progress? Eh... if you count the distance WALKED, its probably freaking long... But distance MOVED? Kinda like being on the threadmill... For me, i need to anchor my life to God, totally and irrevocably. Jump off the threadmill, out of my comfort zone, and start roughing it out leapard crawling through the warzone. Easier SAID than DONE though...
Phase 3 is where the REAL battle is. Previously you were fighting for YOURSELF. Now you're fighting for those you LOVE. Not that you can't be in Phase 3 while being in Phase 2. I believe there's alot of overlapping for many people or rather EVERYONE (since the Apostle Paul was also caught between Phase 2 and 3...)But that overlapping are should be reducing, and we should be gravitating towards a fuller Phase 3, with regular visits to Phase 2, kinda like check-ups lol... Its a co-existance, bouncing to and fro thing i guess.
So how close am i to my ideal state? Just one step away. A step what would probably take all my life to reach ^^; But hell yea, i'm STEEEEEEEPPPPPPIIIIINNNGGGGG OOOOOVVVVEEERRRR RRRRIIIIGGGHHHTTT NNNNOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWW... (Slow mo X 10000000000) :D
Early in life i had been gifted with His words. I understood clearly what had to be done, and what i should avoid. But somehow the order was skewed and i AVOIDED what had to be DONE >.< (And yes... bashing headlong into what should not be...)
I see life in 3 phases. Age is neglegible. Some people take forever in a certain phase and skip past the next. *shrug* (So yea! i'm NOT old... cos i just finished phase 1... bleah...)
Phase 1 is where you learn about life, experience it and are all caught up in it. I get this feeling most people flounder about in this phase for most of their life actually... Hmm... (Ok FINE, so maybe i AM old -.-)
Phase 2 is when you REALLY get to know God, see His plans for you, and SEE yourself through His eyes. Ewwww... Puke... Yucks... This is when you struggle to break away from your previous phase's bonds, where perceived-reality engages in a tug-of-war with reality-eternity. What you can see VS what you can't. This is just the preamble, yet to many its almost a world war by itself. (i'm being torn apart as it is... ~.~)
In this phase you start hearing voices. "This is wrong!" "No it isn't... you aren't looking at it in the right perspective..." "Ok, i promise this is the LAST time..." "Argh... just one more time and i'll quit it ok?" "This is what you should do!" "Ok ok... i'll do it tomorrow..." Sounds familiar? It sure is to me! >.<
Forward... backward... forward... backward... Progress? Eh... if you count the distance WALKED, its probably freaking long... But distance MOVED? Kinda like being on the threadmill... For me, i need to anchor my life to God, totally and irrevocably. Jump off the threadmill, out of my comfort zone, and start roughing it out leapard crawling through the warzone. Easier SAID than DONE though...
Phase 3 is where the REAL battle is. Previously you were fighting for YOURSELF. Now you're fighting for those you LOVE. Not that you can't be in Phase 3 while being in Phase 2. I believe there's alot of overlapping for many people or rather EVERYONE (since the Apostle Paul was also caught between Phase 2 and 3...)But that overlapping are should be reducing, and we should be gravitating towards a fuller Phase 3, with regular visits to Phase 2, kinda like check-ups lol... Its a co-existance, bouncing to and fro thing i guess.
So how close am i to my ideal state? Just one step away. A step what would probably take all my life to reach ^^; But hell yea, i'm STEEEEEEEPPPPPPIIIIINNNGGGGG OOOOOVVVVEEERRRR RRRRIIIIGGGHHHTTT NNNNOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWW... (Slow mo X 10000000000) :D
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