Quote of the moment

"If any of you wants to be my follower, you must first put aside your selfish ambition, shoulder your cross daily, and follow me."

Luke 9:23 (NLT)

Friday, June 09, 2006

New Age Woman...

Been watching Ghost in the Shell recently on Youtube and was totally mesmerised by the lead character in the story, the "Major". She's a hot HOT babe on the outside but all steel inside, and i mean it literally as well haha...

There's this male subordinate of hers who's obviously smitten by her, yet at the same time... intimidated? Probably why he never did openly make any moves on her. I was just thinking about it. If i were to know such a woman in real life, someone whom i admire, a high achiever, and comparatively i'm just a normal or even low achiever by this society's standards, how would i feel?

Hmmm... I think it'll be hard making the first move, and i probably never will... just like that guy in the show haha... She has to make the first move i guess. And having done that, there won't be any "problems" anymore so to speak. I mean, once i know she loves me, it doesn't matter that she's my boss or anything. Even if i know the number of "successful" people she has to come in contact with, all of whom will definitely try to gain her attention, i think i'll still be fine? She can be whatever she wants outside, but when we're spending time together, so long as she's my girl, it'll be cool.

I guess the only problem is, most successful women bring their authority in the workplace back home... Serves us right for not being high achievers ourselves huh? Haha... *Shrug* Whatever... I'm NOT about to change the life i've decided on just so i can be with a girl who won't look up to me just cos i ain't a high flyer. ^ ^


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