Mac - Dead or Alive
My Mac died on me the day before >.< Using stinky old XP for now. Grrr... The harddisk went, AFTER i spent $700 upgrading memory, battery and the OS. Duh. And i was just about to backup all my stuff into my iPod too!
But its all good now, just received a call from the iShop at Cine that a replacement harddisk would cost ~$300 for 60Gb and ~$400 for 80Gb. Thats another upgrade over my previous 30Gb rig! Trying to decide which to get though... Hmmm... Should i be greedy?
For a day and a half i had seriously considered selling whats left of my Powerbook at scrap value to collectors/hobbyists and getting a Macbook Pro. A $4000 investment ahead of the 1-2 yrs time frame i set for myself to let the new Intel-Macs smooth in. Well now looks like i'm back on track ^ ^
Oh and did you hear? Mac has released a program that allows you to install Window$ XP on Macs! Yup! Its a booboo to Mac users who don't see a point at all really. But to me i see it as a great strategy to really shake up Micro$oft.
Seeing how Window$ users are always tempted to switch to a Mac yet are bothered by fear that they would not get used to a Mac, be unable to transfer their work over, not find the programs they want for their work... All groundless myths of course. With this XP allowance on Macs, these skeptics would feel so much safer making the switch. And once they use the Mac, they won't ever be touching XP again, even if its useable on a Mac now. And thats the confidence that Apple has in its OS.
Oh have a look at the website Apple put up for the XP thing. Its kinda funny if you read all the notes by the side and stuff. Poking fun at Window$ all the way lol... Go Apple!
So yes people, come join the light ^ ^
But its all good now, just received a call from the iShop at Cine that a replacement harddisk would cost ~$300 for 60Gb and ~$400 for 80Gb. Thats another upgrade over my previous 30Gb rig! Trying to decide which to get though... Hmmm... Should i be greedy?
For a day and a half i had seriously considered selling whats left of my Powerbook at scrap value to collectors/hobbyists and getting a Macbook Pro. A $4000 investment ahead of the 1-2 yrs time frame i set for myself to let the new Intel-Macs smooth in. Well now looks like i'm back on track ^ ^
Oh and did you hear? Mac has released a program that allows you to install Window$ XP on Macs! Yup! Its a booboo to Mac users who don't see a point at all really. But to me i see it as a great strategy to really shake up Micro$oft.
Seeing how Window$ users are always tempted to switch to a Mac yet are bothered by fear that they would not get used to a Mac, be unable to transfer their work over, not find the programs they want for their work... All groundless myths of course. With this XP allowance on Macs, these skeptics would feel so much safer making the switch. And once they use the Mac, they won't ever be touching XP again, even if its useable on a Mac now. And thats the confidence that Apple has in its OS.
Oh have a look at the website Apple put up for the XP thing. Its kinda funny if you read all the notes by the side and stuff. Poking fun at Window$ all the way lol... Go Apple!
So yes people, come join the light ^ ^
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