Salt and Light of the Earth
In Matthew 5:13 Jesus said: You are the salt of the earth.
In Matthew 5:14 He said: You are the light of the world.
What do we understand by the statement? How do we fulfil our role as the Salt and Light of the world if we do not fully understand their properties and role in this world? Yet given our science and knowledge today, i have my doubts about how much we really know about these 2 everyday items in our lives.
Oh btw i had posted a shorter little article on salt in particular in my Church's forum if you're interested to have a look.
A mineral we take in everyday as part of our diet, mainly as a kind of flavouring without knowing that it plays a big part in keeping us alive as one of the components involved in the regulation of the balance of fluids in our body. At least thats what we know so far, given today's science.
Salt was so important in ancient times that Salt trade was the driving force behind the rise and fall of civilisations and empires. Because of this trade also, communication between various cultures and people in the world was brought about.
In the past, food was preserved using salt, which in turn allowed man to travel for longer distances.
Today, salt is readily available using modern techiniques to extract salt from sea-water or even by combining Sodium and Chloride artificially. Yes, salt is cheaper and available in large quantities today, but it is just as important to our survival.
It really is uncanny how the history of salt reflects our Christian history. How Christians have since Jesus Christ's time spread all over the world, bringing the word of God to man, allowing man to come before God. Let us not forget our importance in God's plan for the world, there are still places that need to be seasoned with salt in order to have life eternal!
Even more interesting is the medical fact that too much salt causes high blood pressure. Haha! Could it be a reminder that we should not group together so much that we lock the world outside of the Church, thus failing in the mission given to us by Christ? A reminder not to form an exclusive Christian "club" and fail to go out into the world to bring everyone eternal life!
Now this is a tough one. After searching the internet and my science texts, to my surprise i realised that no one really knows what light is!
Yes, we learn that it is an Electro-magnectic wave. But what is it made up of? Scientists call light particles Photons, in line with electrons and protons, all the ton-tons. But what are photons? Today it is generally agreed that light is something that is both a wave as well as a particle, with properties of both. Yet much is still unknown about it. At least i couldn't find too much information about it...
Ok i'm going to just shoot off random thoughts as they come now.
How does something that travels at such fast speed collide with matter in this world and yet not cause any damage? Lets just think about the light rays that are reflected and not talk about the light rays that pass through things like glass (and even then still certain parts of light reflected.)
Is there any space between light? Eh... how do i put this... Imagine a beam of light with a radius of say 1 cm shining onto something. It would form a circle of light right? So within that circle of light, in the super-ultra-microscopic level, are there "holes" that aren't filled by the light particle/waves?
How the does light travel so far and not lose any energy? Light is supposedly able to travel forever through space... What is giving it energy to keep moving? And not just that, it carries with it heat energy through the cold dark space... doesn't even disperse >.<
Light travelling at the ESTIMATED speed of 300,000km/h enters our eyes and... disappears into a image in our brain. Like what the...? Absorbed i understand. But still... how do you absorb something like that? In fact, how does any material absorb light? I remember this theory that if you travel at the speed of light, you would be able to pass through EVERYTHING. Yet light can be reflected, stopped, absorbed. Hmmmmmm...
Where is all the energy from that 300,000km/h speed going to? So much light is pouring onto earth every moment... I doubt we can account for everybit of that energy...
Speaking of energy, Light is said to be a form of energy. Electric/Heat energy is electron movement and the such. But light? >.<
Lots of stuff don't click. All that particle/wave/electro magnetic theory thingy aren't convincing in explaining what exactly light is...
Anyway back to the topic. Light, out of this world, originate from God, does things that this world can't explain. Thats what we are. Lol... We illuminate, we bring warmth, we cover every inch of the earth's surface. We are omni directional, which should apply to our service in Church.
Eh... Sleepy, cont. another day... if ever... ^^;
In Matthew 5:14 He said: You are the light of the world.
What do we understand by the statement? How do we fulfil our role as the Salt and Light of the world if we do not fully understand their properties and role in this world? Yet given our science and knowledge today, i have my doubts about how much we really know about these 2 everyday items in our lives.
Oh btw i had posted a shorter little article on salt in particular in my Church's forum if you're interested to have a look.
A mineral we take in everyday as part of our diet, mainly as a kind of flavouring without knowing that it plays a big part in keeping us alive as one of the components involved in the regulation of the balance of fluids in our body. At least thats what we know so far, given today's science.
Salt was so important in ancient times that Salt trade was the driving force behind the rise and fall of civilisations and empires. Because of this trade also, communication between various cultures and people in the world was brought about.
In the past, food was preserved using salt, which in turn allowed man to travel for longer distances.
Today, salt is readily available using modern techiniques to extract salt from sea-water or even by combining Sodium and Chloride artificially. Yes, salt is cheaper and available in large quantities today, but it is just as important to our survival.
It really is uncanny how the history of salt reflects our Christian history. How Christians have since Jesus Christ's time spread all over the world, bringing the word of God to man, allowing man to come before God. Let us not forget our importance in God's plan for the world, there are still places that need to be seasoned with salt in order to have life eternal!
Even more interesting is the medical fact that too much salt causes high blood pressure. Haha! Could it be a reminder that we should not group together so much that we lock the world outside of the Church, thus failing in the mission given to us by Christ? A reminder not to form an exclusive Christian "club" and fail to go out into the world to bring everyone eternal life!
Now this is a tough one. After searching the internet and my science texts, to my surprise i realised that no one really knows what light is!
Yes, we learn that it is an Electro-magnectic wave. But what is it made up of? Scientists call light particles Photons, in line with electrons and protons, all the ton-tons. But what are photons? Today it is generally agreed that light is something that is both a wave as well as a particle, with properties of both. Yet much is still unknown about it. At least i couldn't find too much information about it...
Ok i'm going to just shoot off random thoughts as they come now.
How does something that travels at such fast speed collide with matter in this world and yet not cause any damage? Lets just think about the light rays that are reflected and not talk about the light rays that pass through things like glass (and even then still certain parts of light reflected.)
Is there any space between light? Eh... how do i put this... Imagine a beam of light with a radius of say 1 cm shining onto something. It would form a circle of light right? So within that circle of light, in the super-ultra-microscopic level, are there "holes" that aren't filled by the light particle/waves?
How the does light travel so far and not lose any energy? Light is supposedly able to travel forever through space... What is giving it energy to keep moving? And not just that, it carries with it heat energy through the cold dark space... doesn't even disperse >.<
Light travelling at the ESTIMATED speed of 300,000km/h enters our eyes and... disappears into a image in our brain. Like what the...? Absorbed i understand. But still... how do you absorb something like that? In fact, how does any material absorb light? I remember this theory that if you travel at the speed of light, you would be able to pass through EVERYTHING. Yet light can be reflected, stopped, absorbed. Hmmmmmm...
Where is all the energy from that 300,000km/h speed going to? So much light is pouring onto earth every moment... I doubt we can account for everybit of that energy...
Speaking of energy, Light is said to be a form of energy. Electric/Heat energy is electron movement and the such. But light? >.<
Lots of stuff don't click. All that particle/wave/electro magnetic theory thingy aren't convincing in explaining what exactly light is...
Anyway back to the topic. Light, out of this world, originate from God, does things that this world can't explain. Thats what we are. Lol... We illuminate, we bring warmth, we cover every inch of the earth's surface. We are omni directional, which should apply to our service in Church.
Eh... Sleepy, cont. another day... if ever... ^^;
im jus itching to say this...
let there be light
and there was thomas edison!
ok, u may ignore me....deprived of sleep...
i could just SCRATCH you... >.<
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