Sale of Organs Debate
Read Mypaper on 1 July and for some reason I was pretty riled up by the arguments presented advocating the legalisation of the sale of organs...
So I wrote in my views, despite being half asleep at that time :p
Didn't realy like the title that the paper created for my views though... "Criminals" sounds so... childish? And I bet all the wealthy people out there would resent being lumped together with criminals too >..< Anyway, some other dude wrote in as well subsequently, with a whole bunch of bombastic words in his article (I'd go with easy to understand simple words anyday). Still, his suggestions didn't answer the primary reason why I feel the whole notion's an exploitation of the poor - The wealthy will never be the ones selling their organs!
There was an article recently (on the Straits Times I think... no free electronic copy on the internet so can't post here) by some really bright dude in NUS, citing examples from Iran (where trading of organs is legal). I think he put across my points in a much better way :p
In the end, I'm against unfair systems that do not uphold equality. No one has the right to (potentially) take another man's life so as to save his own. Not if you gave him more money than he could have made in a life time.
(P.S. For some reason the formatting's all off on my office computer >..<)
So I wrote in my views, despite being half asleep at that time :p
Didn't realy like the title that the paper created for my views though... "Criminals" sounds so... childish? And I bet all the wealthy people out there would resent being lumped together with criminals too >..< Anyway, some other dude wrote in as well subsequently, with a whole bunch of bombastic words in his article (I'd go with easy to understand simple words anyday). Still, his suggestions didn't answer the primary reason why I feel the whole notion's an exploitation of the poor - The wealthy will never be the ones selling their organs!
There was an article recently (on the Straits Times I think... no free electronic copy on the internet so can't post here) by some really bright dude in NUS, citing examples from Iran (where trading of organs is legal). I think he put across my points in a much better way :p
In the end, I'm against unfair systems that do not uphold equality. No one has the right to (potentially) take another man's life so as to save his own. Not if you gave him more money than he could have made in a life time.
(P.S. For some reason the formatting's all off on my office computer >..<)
Labels: kidney, legalisation, organ, sale, trade