Quote of the moment

"If any of you wants to be my follower, you must first put aside your selfish ambition, shoulder your cross daily, and follow me."

Luke 9:23 (NLT)

Sunday, April 30, 2006

刘 亦 菲

My true blue dream girl... Haha... well, if you find her familiar, perhaps the tv series <<天龙八步>>, <<仙剑奇侠专>> and most recently <<神雕侠侣>> strikes a chord? Isn't she jude? And to think she's only 19 this year -.- Born 25 Aug 1987...

Yea just did some digging on the internet on her information. Bummer i'm not good enough for her even if there were some miracle for us to get to know each other laaaa... Her dad's a professor, her nationality's American and she graduated/graduating from Beijing's acting academy. She likes tennis and GOLF. Duh... Rich girl ar... I got this inferiority complex with rich people i think haha... Judging from what i read, she seems like a really nice girl. Shucks... Ah well, i shall keep all the DVDs i have of her and just remember her as those very gentle, sweet and loving girls that she portrays in the shows... No more reading up on her, period.

Oh... was watching Condor Heroes, there was this scene where she was crying really pitifully... the camera had zoomed in on her face, and... ah... well, i tried to wipe her tears for her haha... Ok i'm dumb bahhhhhhhh... God, let me love a girl who would shed tears of love for me...

Friday, April 28, 2006



No daisy isn't the name of the who Jun Ji-Hyun plays in the movie. Its a flower u dummy... a mini-sunflower of sorts ^ ^ Did you hear me? JUN JI-HYUN!!! You know, My Sassy Girl???

Haha... anyway. This is a TYPICAL Korean sad sad love story. So if you're one of those Fairy Tale type of person, this ain't the show for ya~

I'm not going into details. To me, the storyline's full of loopholes. How did the Interpol find out about the Black Tulips thing (which is unique to our leading man cos of his flower growing habits). How did the killer know where to stake out to take out the 2nd leading man? Not that important really, since the average movie goer's probably not going to pay much attention to such details. For me, i wish they'd done a better job with the script.

This isn't a love story. Its about 2 men who don't know what love is despite seeming to know. As a result... well watch for yourself if you want to ya? If not, send me a whisper and i'll tell you about it ^ ^


Oh did i mention that i thought that the male lead looked ALOT like how my dad used to look in his younger days? Well... to me anyway haha...

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

New layout!

Finally changed the layout... Still can't figure out how those dumb blogger tags work tho, so i could only edit the existing premade templates. Its still a WIP, so bear with me. ^ ^

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

A very nice passage

Philippians 4: 11-13

... For I have learnt to get along HAPPILY whether I have much or little. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For i can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need. (NLT)

Notice the word "Happily" in the verse. Paul didn't just scrap by miserably when he had little. He scrapped by HAPPILY. Did you feel the WOW? Haha... ok nevermind...

I want to reach that standard though. When rags or riches don't matter anymore, or rather they don't make a difference. When my happiness is derived not from what i have but from God. Happiness from above. WOW.


I've always heard people saying that there's nothing wrong with Christians being rich. I agree. And for those people, i suppose their camels can go through the eye of a needle (Eh... something Christ said in the Bible laaa...). They have reached the standard mentioned above.

But for the rest of us who aren't, WHY do we want to be rich? Those people are rich probably because they just HAPPENED to be rich, blundered into it probably. I don't think people who have reached Paul's standard would actually pray and ask to be rich.

If you haven't reached that standard, you're probably not suitable to be entrusted worldly riches which would probably creat a rift between you and God. And if you have, you wouldn't see the need for riches anymore either.

So then, are you still wanting to be rich?

Money money money

Just finished a little chat with mum. Haha... She had barged into my room as usual asking me to go check up on the benefits of switching banks for our housing loan for lower interest rates and stuff, which i disagreed with la. Then she started asking about using CPF to make investments and such. I was quite pleased that she held a pretty steady view of the idea, that it should never become our FOCUS in life. Wake up in the morning quickly check stock prices, before sleeping check again... Basically taking over our relationship with God. I warned her tho that even if we may think this way now, when we allow ourselves to be involved, our decision may change and excuses may come in.

I basically used the examples i used in http://just-my-world.blogspot.com/2006/01/what-does-it-take.html to illustrate my point. Which coincidentally happened in real life recently when the ga-men decided to share the wealth with us citizens. Naturally everyone in church over the age of 21 received monies from the ga-men ranging from $400 - $1000+. Unexpected wealth that is outside of our budget considerations definitely, yet when i suggested that the money be given to the Church for the purchases we were about to make (speakers, drumbs and what not), one could really hear a pin drop if not for the carpeted floor in the theatre.

Matthew 6: 21

Wherever your treasure is, there your hearts and thoughts will be. (NLT)

I'm not the one spoiling the market. I'm not doing "extra". I'm TRYING to hit the STANDARD. Not with-holding anything from God when He asks it of me. Especially not something that fell out of the sky!

Mum asked : How do you tell the difference between a Christian who's backsliding; and a person who has forsaken God?

I looked back at my past and told her: A Christian who's backsliding is still a Christian within him, no matter what evils he's committing because of his weakness at that moment, there are parts of him that still belong to God screaming and pulling at his soul. Someone who has forsaken God feels nothing in his heart anymore and does not even see what he is doing as wrong. He can't hear God. Do not be surprised, for there are such people in the Church even. (Not saying our Church but Churches in general la...)

Was kinda amused that Mum started off challenging me, citing MY past behaviour and weaknesses, but ended up listening to me share and i could see her reflecting upon herself as i spoke. NICE ^ ^

Saturday, April 22, 2006

I wish...

That i won't have to spend my next birthday alone T.T

Friday, April 21, 2006


Speaking of the devil, the cake just arrived. Well, Happy Birthday to me............

Argh... the dumb pictures won't upload. Oh well, show u the cake when i get home... Its quite nice really.

*** Update ***

Here they are...


Yup. Couting down to my birthday. Haha... kinda pathetic isn't it? Oh i had fun earlier running down the beach, getting sand in my ears, mouth and nose... -.- Don't even ask how that happened. But now... Bahh...

Had agreed to having a cake sent up to my room complimentary of the hotel. But now i'm having second thoughts. Spending the night alone is sucky enough without having a cake to remind me.

How many birthdays have been spent like this? Not alot, but too many. Feels so vulnerable right now that i wanna just cover myself in my blanket and sleep it all away. Yet another part of me refuses to let go of any second of my life.

Its alright. It really is. Keep going Justus. Me myself and Just-Us. Hah.

Thursday, April 20, 2006


Yea... Bored. But i like the picture... Wanted to take it down before i drank em up haha...

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Birthday Plans (Cancelled)

Was in the midst of writing up and coming up with plans for this friday. Well, screw that. There won't be a party. And i'm not inviting ANYONE k?

Stupid perceptions of the world.

Go on! Rob me of my last sanctuary! I'll keep running if thats the way it will be. But God, i'll run because i want to get closer to you, and not to escape satan's claws.

Run run run! Watch the gingerbread man run!

Somebody eat me... pls... no not the blackcurrent >.<

Birthday Woes

First i get a call from CL, apparently her mum called her.
Then LQ called.

What the... All i want is a RELAXING birthday. Not organise a bloody outing. And no, i'm not a perverted sexual predator looking for my next prey. It so happens that the girls are more independant and able to take care of themselves. The boys give me the feeling that i've got to babysit them. Hence the REMARK that i'm gonna just invite the girls. Which of COS i won't. Its weird even for me. And i definitely do not want to spend my birthday night sleeping in the bathtub -.-

I think i'll just run off somewhere by myself instead. Stupid Rasa Sentosa's sold out anyway. Dumb... why's everyone headed over there during such a odd period. Didn't know my birthday's such a popular holiday period >.<

Boring boring boring... Argh... Hate it when i get this kind of suspicions and what not. DUH. Kill me pls. God forgives me, but not the PEOPLE around me. Bah... Life SUX

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Reporting from Jurong Island

Yup, stuck in Jurong Island on the Eve of the Lord's desmise. Tho part
of me dreaded going for the prayer meet, MOST of me wanted to go. My
Soul demands it. Oh well.

Been getting complaints dat my blog's turning to dust, so yea, hope i
got dis email to blog feature correct haha..

Hmm, someone dropped into my life today when i least expected it.
Someone i had been replying SMSes to altho i've no record of who the
person is in my phone -.- Well, her 1st SMS was like a SOS, didn't see
how i could say "Eh who are u?" to someone who needed help..

Anyway i owned up today haha.. But i STILL can't figure out who she
is. Alot of clues given but nothing lit any sparks. Duh.. a passing
acquaintance? How could it be that i left an impression on her yet
have no memory of it at all?? If you know me, you know i've got a
pretty good memory. i've dug my brains out n came up with nothing -.-

Mehh.. its like i feel BAD cos she remembers me n i don't. She even
reads my blog! =( Definitely a first. Anyway yea, i can imagine my
"nanny" ringing the alarm warning me of girl trouble lol.. ReLAx la!

Oh well, lets see if my memory comes back.. :)

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Mac - Dead or Alive

My Mac died on me the day before >.< Using stinky old XP for now. Grrr... The harddisk went, AFTER i spent $700 upgrading memory, battery and the OS. Duh. And i was just about to backup all my stuff into my iPod too!

But its all good now, just received a call from the iShop at Cine that a replacement harddisk would cost ~$300 for 60Gb and ~$400 for 80Gb. Thats another upgrade over my previous 30Gb rig! Trying to decide which to get though... Hmmm... Should i be greedy?

For a day and a half i had seriously considered selling whats left of my Powerbook at scrap value to collectors/hobbyists and getting a Macbook Pro. A $4000 investment ahead of the 1-2 yrs time frame i set for myself to let the new Intel-Macs smooth in. Well now looks like i'm back on track ^ ^

Oh and did you hear? Mac has released a program that allows you to install Window$ XP on Macs! Yup! Its a booboo to Mac users who don't see a point at all really. But to me i see it as a great strategy to really shake up Micro$oft.

Seeing how Window$ users are always tempted to switch to a Mac yet are bothered by fear that they would not get used to a Mac, be unable to transfer their work over, not find the programs they want for their work... All groundless myths of course. With this XP allowance on Macs, these skeptics would feel so much safer making the switch. And once they use the Mac, they won't ever be touching XP again, even if its useable on a Mac now. And thats the confidence that Apple has in its OS.

Oh have a look at the website Apple put up for the XP thing. Its kinda funny if you read all the notes by the side and stuff. Poking fun at Window$ all the way lol... Go Apple!

So yes people, come join the light ^ ^

Monday, April 03, 2006

Vx2 (No not a new Motorla Razr Phone)

Caught V for Vendetta for the 2nd time last friday haha... Hey its that good ok? I was so moved i had wanted to give it a standing ovation at one point of time. But, this being Singapore, i hardly let out a squeak. -.-

Can't wait for the book to come out though. Or rather, maybe its out but i haven't been able to find it yet. Mehhh... I wanna find that latin or whatever language phrase on the mirror in the show... Viva la something... Haha...

Ok and now for the highlight which i think everyone who went with me are waiting for me to blog about. Wouldn't want to disappoint them now would i?

*** Public Announcment ***

I would like to offer my sincerest apologies to the poor girl in the disabled toilet whom we barged into. Seriously Char and myself had no idea there was someone in the toilet and the girl's toilet being crowded as it is, we were just giving the disabled toilet a shot. I mean... we really didn't think anyone would be in there and not lock the door... No worries, when i yanked the door open and saw you sitting there i quickly shut the door and i did say sorry. I didn't look on purpose so i saw nothing beyond the fact that you're a girl wearing a blue top with your pants/skirt down around your ankles >.<

*** End ***

I must admit we were kinda shocked... so much so that we ran away from the toilet once the door was closed again. Lol... Didn't want the girl coming out and causing any embarassments ah... Plus we wanted to laugh in peace haha... I can still see Char's eyes going WIDE when the door opened hahaha...

So a note too ALL boys and girls out there. LOCK your toilet doors when you're using it -.-

Anyway, went home after 12 that night. Been quite a while since i did that and had fun too. Glad i wasn't being an old man hanging out with people a decade younger than myself haha... Enjoyed myself, thanks for that! Looking forward to the next late night spree... and this time make it really late haha...